Care URI

Sustaining prolific and productivity performance in pig farming means conducting your sow herd optimally and preventing problems that can occur throughout the sow’s career. This is the case with urinary tract infections. In animal husbandry, these result in difficulties in farrowing (parturition too long, large number of stillbirths …) or poor fertility with heat returns. This is why urinary tract infections can cause serious damage to the health of the sow and ultimately to the economic level at the farm level. At CAREPHYT, the solution is called Care URI, a real concentrate of plant extracts to help prevent disorders related to the urinary sphere of sows. 

Why use Care URI ?

In order to prevent urinary tract infections, Care URI is formulated with natural plant extracts with the properties of acidifying urine while stimulating diuretic function. The Care URI, therefore, allows drainage and proper elimination of waste produced by the body of sows. Added to this, the increase in urination and its “flushing” effect eliminating possible germs raised in the urinary tract. The sanitary pressure in the urogenital apparatus of the sow is then lowered. Care URI thus allows a better preparation for farrowing as well as a preparation for insemination. 

Care URI benefits :

Effective diuretic action

Urinary draining action

Based of natural plant extracts

Can be used in Organic farming

How to use Care URI ?

Care URI is distributed on a basis of 8g per sow for 7 days. It is also possible to take as a reference 3 kg per ton of feed. The packaging of Care URI is made of 10 kg cardboard. 

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CAREPHYT offers a complete range of feeding solutions based on natural extracts